I *love* my Marrs Bar.
I’m 56 years old, live in New Jersey, and have been lifting for over 35 years. I competed in several sanctioned powerlifting meets in my 40s.
Because of a non-training related accident (bridge I was walking on collapsed) I needed two surgical procedures on each shoulder and cervical spine surgery. Those five operations left me with pretty limited external rotation and eternal pain in my neck.
Squatting with a straight bar is impossible without extreme pain.
I have tried Buffalo bars, SSBs and I even bought a Transformer Bar. But nothing ever felt natural, stable and pain free. The Buffalo bar is insufficiently forgiving on my shoulders. The SSB pulls me too far forward and causes additional neck pain as I try to stabilize. The Transformer Bar just feels kludgey.
Six months ago I decided too give the newly released Marrs Bar a try. Right away I could tell that the Mars Bar is a different and superior approach. It is solid as a rock. Comfortable--much more so than the SSB or Transformer. Weight distribution is very similar to a low bar squat with a straight bar. Once I'm set up, I don't have to think about the bar anymore; I can focus on the squat. I'm finally back up over 400 pounds on the back squat.
I also use the MB for front squats, Hatfield squats, Bulgarian split squats, calf raises and good mornings.
The Mars Bar has saved my training and is the best investment I have ever made in a piece of equipment.
- Lou in Livingston
I have had my MarrsBar for a few months now and I just love it. I currently workout in my home gym.
It has helped with my knee problems so I can squat again.
It take a lot of pressure off my knees.
Thanks again for making a great product and I'm looking forward to more great products from your company in the future..
Phil DeCarlo
I have been involved in Weight Training for over 40 years. I am a NYS Certified Health and PE Teacher with a masters in Human Performance. I also Coach several sports, worked as a Trainer, owned my own gym, and competed in Powerlifting as well as other strength sports.
When I saw the MARRS-BAR about a year ago, I knew I had to get one! I am extremely happy I did!!! The Bar is different from anything else I have used.
I can tell you this bar should be in every gym, but also in every HS and College Weight room. It is that good!
One of the most important facts is that we have seen higher weight Squats in not only singles, but for all Rep. ranges. I have to give credit to the bars design for this. It allows the lifter to carry heavy loads with more comfort, which in turn allows more work/more gains.
The ability to allow those who may have shoulder problems, injures, or limited mobility to squat safely is an added benefit. Also any athletes who are in season and/or need to rest and protect their shoulders, can use this bar for that purpose. I would highly recommend this bar to everyone who wishes to get as strong as possible.
I am up on Long Island. Anyone in my area wishing to give this bar a try can email me at ironwill@optonline.net
Thanks for making such a great product;
I am a 50 year old powerlifter who has competed for over two decades. I'm used to aches & pains and have always accepted the premise that working thru pain was just part of the sport. Squats are a staple of powerlifting and if you're gonna compete in a full meet, you're gonna have to squat. Multiple neck surgeries brought me to the point that I was unable to get under a bar for any extended period of time.
The Marrs bar has enabled me to squat pain free and continue competing!
I still use a traditional squat bar for working up to a heavy single, but then switch to the Marrs bar for volume work. When I'm not prepping for a meet, I use the Marrs Bar exclusively. Thank you for making a product that has prolonged my career and enabled me to continue to pursue my passion!