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Level 2 Biological Practitioner, PIMST (Poliquin Instant Muscle Strengthening Techniques) Certified and a Practitioner of Holistic Kinesiology.

Owner/Director of Strength and Conditioning
Performance Inc.
Boise, Idaho



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Reduced Pain

After years of wear and tear, the Marrs-Bar allows me to continue a lift I love. Were I to continue down a traditional squatting track, I know I wouldn't be able to handle the workload for much longer. This new and patented method means prolonged work in the gym, and I want to tell as many as possible in the process.

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Steady Increase

I bought my first Marrs-Bar on May 1st, 2019. Since then, I have used it EVERY day—I recommend the bar to clients all the time. With every client that has used this bar, their main lifts have increased. And I am not talking PR's with just the Marrs-Bar. I am talking about PR's on Deadlifts, Barbell Squats, Pull-ups, Cleans and Bench.

Good Mornings

Don’t even get me started on Good Mornings with this bar. This simple but important lift can be dangerous with improper technique, but the Marrs-Bar makes it easy. (See the video below!) The lift itself has a funny name, but I guarantee you this: start your day in the weight room, and you'll enter any office a step (or lift) ahead of the rest.


"If I could sum up the Marrs-Bar in one word: PERFECTION!"

—Coach John Carlo


Dr. Rob Jones

Sports and Rehab Doctor with over 20 years of clinical experience.

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As a sports doc with 20 years of experience, I’ve seen a lot of gimmicks and fads in the strength and conditioning world that over-promise and under-deliver. The Marrs-Bar is DEFINITELY NOT one of them! With its cambered design, The Marrs-Bar creates a perfect bio-mechanical set-up that takes the load and balances it perfectly over your center of gravity reducing potentially harmful axial loads and shearing risks.

As a clinician, I’ve treated hundreds of athletes ranging from Olympians and pro ball players to D1 athletes, high schoolers and weekend warriors. At all levels of athletics, I have treated major lifting injuries due to deficits in stabilizer strength and lack of nervous system coordination. The Marrs-Bar SAFELY allows lifters of any age and skill level to produce strength and power without the fear of injury. If you want to build strength and power while protecting your back, you owe it to yourself and your athletes to get a Marrs-Bar.



You can find Dr. Rob Jones' book "Protect Your Back 101" on Amazon. His book and safe core training app "Protect Your Back" can be found on his website as well as on the iPhone and Android app stores. You can subscribe to his YouTube channel "Hey Dr. Rob" for many educational videos on correcting back injuries and safe training and rehab techniques. You can also find him on Facebook and Instagram @heydrrob.